Ralph Birkhoff, Associate Vice President

Global Director Colliers Call Center Services Group, Colliers International

“We have had the pleasure of working directly with Francisco and ContactUs Consulting for over five months now. The relationship has worked so well and his resources are so valued, that we have now formed an exclusive and seamless working alliance to promote and support our business needs throughout the Latin American region. As a senior executive with direct experience in the call center industry in South America, and with his own network of resources and contacts, Francisco is an invaluable partner to the Colliers CCSG. We look forward in working together on new and challenging projects.” July 21, 2009

Enrico Ottolini, Managing Partner

MVNO/MVNE Consulting & LTT Business Consulting

“Francisco is a telecom professional with extensive in-depth experience and knowledge in Colombia and other countries is Latin America. Based on his huge network, he opened up many doors for us and organized a very effective schedule of meetings with high level executives in the companies targeted by us. Besides this, Francisco is a very pleasant person to work and travel with, always willing to give a helping hand.” February 11, 2011

Wally Swain, President and COO Comcel
“Francisco made the very most of the limited resources available to him at Celcaribe. We coordinated our efforts with the Colombian Regulator and he had an excellent grasp of both the strategic and operational impacts of such decisions.” July 20, 200
Randolph Harris, VP and CTO

Millicom International Cellular

“Francisco is a very talented and professional executive. He was very diligent) and creative in running a company in a challenging part of the world. He was the leader in the success of our company and I would recommend Francisco for any position he seeks.” July 20, 2009

Osmar Coronel, Chief Technical Officer
Telecel Paraguay “Francisco is a very capable manager with vision of the whole business and attention to details. Francisco has a strong experience in cellular communications, call center implementation and management.” July 26, 2009
Mariano Degui, Chief Financial Officer
Millicom Argentina “I worked with Francisco in the MIC Group (Cellular) when he was President at Celcaribe and I was Regional Latam Controller for MIC. I can describe him through this commentary “Celcaribe had one of the best professional team, management and processes in our region and was taken as best practice for MIC Group´s Joint Ventures around the world”. And all of this is a consequence of the Managing Director Mr. Francisco Posada. It was really easy to work with him and his teams (they did all easier).” July 23, 2009
Samuel Azout, CEO

Carulla Vivero S.A.

“I have known Francisco Posada for over 30 years. During this period he has shown extraordinary personal and professional qualities, including high ethical standards, discipline, and commitment to excellence. He is well respected in social and professional circles in Colombia. Therefore, I have no doubts in recommending him wholeheartedly.” June 30, 2011